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Meat, Seafood, Chicken, Dairy

Any surprise that non-veg such as meat, seafood, chicken and dairy are bad for health?

Western nations embraced bad habits for so many decades that it is considered 'enjoying life to the fullest'.  Eating chicken and pork with every meal, and red meat and seafood every other day and the whole process of buying and preparing these non-veg items have become cultural icons of "how to live life" in Western nations.  The meat industry is delighted by this obviously.  Anybody who studied anthropology and history of human evolution, should know that human race thrived and stayed healthiest before human beings invented fire and hunting tools.

Pressure from the media and peers, brainwashing by the meat industry campaigns and misguided healthcare professionals all reinforced the idea that animal products are good for you.  Only recently and very reluctantly, these Yes Men toned down a bit...who now say, "Eat everything in moderation".

As an immigrant, I realized a while ago that Westerners contracted mental and emotional problems due their extreme wealth and ability to afford goods and services any time.  Wealth and extreme affordability, compared to average world citizen, led to dramatic increase in human consumption of animal products for several centuries.  Because these personality flaws, Westerners now depend on the Media and their own flawed cultural history to make healthcare decisions.

The meat industry of course continues to cash in.  The mentally ill Westerners and the Yes Men have been patting on each other's back for centuries, encouraging each other to do self-assure and re-assure that everything is going to be okay, as long as they fit in.  And, the way to fit in for these sick people is to continue consuming animal products.  The introduction of numerous terms to refer to various animal products (veil, lard, ribs, leather etc) definitely helped the few Westerners who retained the ability to feel some connection to animals while consuming these products.

If anybody is interested in cold hard truth, he only has to heed to experts other than these Yes Men.

The flawed Westerners ventured into vegetarianism occasionally, of course, causing some damage along the way.  As a result, more than half of Western population does not know that meat, beef, chicken, fish etc are not vegetarian.  Some don't even know that there are other creatures, not just dog and cat, under the classification of "Animals".  Afraid of offending the meat industry, media and these flawed Westerners, organizations and medical teams now only ask people to eat everything in moderation.  Western countries would ban the word "Cancer" because it is too real, frightening and connected to unhealthy eating.  Instead, refer to it as "abnormal growth disease" or "molecular disease".  But that won't happen. Why? Because, the drug companies cash in on the fear.  So, lets see the money trail.

1.  Media profits by pumping articles after articles about cancer and meat eating.. often self contradictory.

2.  Meat industry profits by promoting and brainwashing people so they buy and eat more and more and more.

3.  Drug industry profits by promoting the fear of cancer; and of course by the cancer treatments themselves

4.  Govt agencies and other pseudo independent panels profit by collecting kickbacks, endorsements and votes

There is only one person that is actually not profiting in this money trail: The Consumer in a Western society.  He keeps thinking he is eating meat moderation.  In theory, there is always more you could, technically, there is no such thing as eating the maximum possible meat.  Show me one who eats meat every 15 minutes, and there can always be more meat to eat.. may be, eat meat every minute.  Using this logic, EVERY flawed Westerner thinks that he is consuming animal products in moderation.

Animal products have been and continue to show unmistakable clues that their consumption leads to cancer, alzheimers, cardiovascular diseases etc.  Flawed Westerners with their mental and emotional defects fail to acknowledge and admit this and various other facts in life.